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text: safety workplace measures post circuit breaker

Safety Measures at Workplace Post Circuit Breaker

Phase 1 of the post-circuit breaker period will commence 2nd June 2020.  Every business should ensure there are sufficient workplace safety measures to minimise the risk of transmission.  Below are some recommendations.

Work from home if possible

Allow your employees to work remotely from home as much as possible.  They should have been provided with necessary IT equipment and software to support a virtual office working environment.  Minimise physical meetings and the need to be in the office or a client’s office.

Stagger work hours

If remote working is not possible, consider staggering start and end times for your team.  Alternatively, consider different in-office workdays for your team.  This will help minimise contact.

Physical distancing where possible

Ensure your workplace is set up to support social distancing.  Each team member’s desk should be at least 1.5m apart to minimise possible transmission. 

This is also applicable to customer service areas where there should be a safety barrier in place to protect your team. 

If your team member is unwell, ensure it is reported.  He or she should consult a doctor immediately.  Employers are obligated to track and record all such incidences.

Promote hygiene

  • Provide masks and other necessary personal protective equipment for your team.
  • Ensure office cleaning products are available to your team for use anytime.
  • Ensure hand sanitisers are available in the workplace, especially at all entrance/exit and high touch points areas (e.g. reception, printers, pantries/kitchens, and toilets).
  • All toilets should have minimal touchpoints where possible (e.g. use of sensor soap dispensers, sensor water taps).
  • Increase frequency of office cleaning with updated and appropriate cleaning equipment.
  • If payment handling is required, then you should only accept electronic payments over cash payments.


Regular temperature screening and declarations

Before entering premises, staff and visitors should declare travel history, whether they have received any quarantine or isolation order, stay-home notice or MC for respiratory symptoms, and are not a close contact of a confirmed case.


Contact tracing

All employees should download and activate the TraceTogether app to help the Singapore government with contact tracing if and when a new case emerges.  All workplace visitors’ details should also be logged.

Implement a policy for confirmed cases

Ensure there is a protocol in place to manage an event when there is a confirmed positive coronavirus case in your workplace. 

The section and area where the infected team member worked must be immediately vacated and cordoned off.  This is to be followed by a thorough cleaning and disinfection in all areas that were exposed to the infected team member.  Refer to National Environment Agency (NEA) guidelines for further details.

It is worth noting that your businesses may be suspended if there are public health grounds to do so.

All the above recommendations should be considered as part of your Workplace Safety policy post circuit breaker to help minimise covid-19 transaction.  This should be communicated with your team prior to a return to the office.

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