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What Is Accounts Receivable Financing?

Accounts receivable financing is a financial solution where a business sells its outstanding invoices to a finance company. It is a valuable option for companies needing immediate cash flow, helping them receive funding based on a percentage of their outstanding accounts receivable.

The Importance of Accounts Receivable in Finance

Accounts receivable represent a large component of the balance sheet, and accounts receivable financing companies provide businesses upfront cash availability against open invoices. Accounts receivable is recorded as an asset on the company’s balance sheet, representing future cash payments the company expects to receive.

Types of Receivable Financing


Invoice factoring is when a company sells its invoices to a factoring company, which then collects payments from its customers. By leveraging invoice factoring, a business can receive anywhere from 70% to 90% of the invoice value upfront from the factoring company. This will help bridge cash flow gaps.

Invoice Discounting

Invoice discounting is when a company retains the task of collecting payments from its customers but can access a higher percentage of the invoice value, often around 90%. The company pays the financier the received amount and their fees once the payments are collected.

Accounts Receivable Loans

An accounts receivable loan is a type of funding where a business borrows against its accounts receivable. The lender provides cash in advance based on the value of the outstanding invoices, and the business repays the advance plus fees when the invoices are paid.

Purchase Order Financing

Purchase order financing is designed to help businesses fulfill large orders. The lender provides the necessary funds to pay suppliers, and the business repays the advance plus fees when the payment is received from the customer.

Accounts Receivable Financing vs. Factoring

The main difference between accounts receivable financing and factoring lies in the ownership of the invoices and the responsibility for collecting payments. In accounts receivable financing, the business retains ownership of the invoices and is responsible for collecting payment from the customer, while in factoring, the customer pays the factor directly, and ownership of the invoice is transferred to the factor.

However, both invoice factoring and accounts receivable financing provide funds in advance of collection. The main similarity between the two lies in the underwriting criteria of the deal structures.

Accounts Receivable Financing Example

Imagine a manufacturing business delivering goods worth $50,000 to a reputable retailer. The business decides to leverage this pending invoice for financing, and a financing partner agrees to advance up to 90% of the invoice value, amounting to $45,000 with an agreed-upon fee.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Benefits of Accounts Receivable Financing

AR financing helps businesses use their unpaid invoices as collateral for borrowing, helping them quickly gain access to cash for their daily needs or investing in new projects. The benefits of AR financing are numerous, including improved cash flow, reduced financial risk, and increased flexibility.

Challenges and Drawbacks

Businesses face several challenges when leveraging accounts receivable financing, including the risk of non-payment by customers, the need for careful invoice management, and the potential for reduced creditworthiness.

Implementing Accounts Receivable Financing

Evaluating Costs and Fees

Accounts receivable financing companies may utilise various fees, including lockbox fees, service fees, processing fees, monitoring fees, transaction fees, and unused line fees. The primary drivers of Accounts Receivable Financing costs include the size of the financing needs and the credit quality of the customer base.

Considering Business Needs

Businesses should consider their specific situation before applying for AR financing. Not every business has the same needs, and AR financing may not be suitable for all businesses.

Determining Suitability

There are several questions to ask before determining if AR financing is a fit for the business, including the customers, payment terms, and operating history. Business owners should be aware of the costs associated with accounts receivable financing to make informed decisions.

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