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Invoice Interchange, owners at convention. Best Early stage Start Up

InvoiceInterchange, Best Early Stage Start Up (Fintech Finals 2016)

| Nalinee |

This year, NextBank together with Visa arranged a Fintech Finals 2016 (FF16) conference, Asia’s biggest fintech conference and pitch competition in 2016.

The Journey

InvoiceInterchange’s journey with FF16 started in December 2015 when we were selected to pitch at FF16 Semi Finals in Singapore. We were up against many well established Singapore fintech companies. Our CEO, Brian Teng delivered a compelling and clear pitch and was voted by the judges as the winner of the Singapore round.

Other Semi Finals events were held in; Sydney, Seoul, Mumbai, Kuala Lumpur and Bangalore. All Semi Finalists headed to Hong Kong for the Fintech Finals in January 2016 – the final round of the competition.

Fintech Finals Event

The event itself was held in Hong Kong on 24th-25tg January with over 600 attendees who braved the freezing weather condition. All 40 start-ups from around the world had the opportunity to showcase their businesses to an audience of the finest fintech activists, both from the banks and the fintech scene.

The event kicked off with Chris Skinner (Chairman, Financial Services Club) and Matt Dill (SVP, Innovation & Strategic Partnerships, Visa), both delivering a great insight into the current fintech landscape.

The pitch competition was held on the second day of the conference. There were 24 fintech companies pitching, showing off their business models and products.  Each were given 6 minutes to convince the judges that they are the best in their respective fields.

Brian Teng, our CEO was seventh in line to be up on stage. He delivered a winning pitch and grabbed the Best Early Stage Start Up trophy. Best Growth Stage Start-up was won by Uniken from India. 8Securities from Hong Kong claimed the Best Mature Stage Start-up. Finally, Everledger, a growth-stage start-up from the UK, was deemed the ‘Best in Show’.

We would like to thank NextBank and FF16 for organising a fantastic event and bringing ‘Fintech’ together in one place.

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